FHYC Members: Log in to access the member directory and committee lists.



We are currently reconstructing this page to remove the enormous number of sub menus in this section of the site - that causes problems when using a phone - older additions will be added in due course.

Highlights from recent additions

Danube, Main and Rhine Cruise

Cape Lookout Cruise

Saving John Jackson

Cherry Point Raft Up

Shakedown Cruise

Hurricane Season

Visit to the Bahamas

Commodore's Ball

Cook Book

Commissioning Day

What's On


09/18 :
Ice Cream Social
09/26 : 
Swap Meet and Happy Hour
10/23 : 
Fall Dinner

If you have an event to add, please contact the IT committee.

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Commodore's Craig Myler
And the Past Commodores of
Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club
Thursday, March 21, 2024
At Carolina Colours
3300 Waterscape Way
New Bern, NC
5:30pm: Cocktail Hour with Cash Bar and Passed Hors d'oeuvres
6:15pm: The Parade of Commodores
6:45-10pm: Dinner and Dancing
Entrée Choices
Baked Salmon with Champagne Dill Sauce with Parmesan Risotta
Honeymoon Chicken with Parmesan Risotto
Beef Filet with Garlic Smashed Potatoes (+$10)
Veggie Risotto
All entrees served with Vegetable Medley,
Mixed Green Salad, Dinner Rolls with Butter,
Iced Tea, Coffee and Water
With Choice of Chocolate Tuxedo Cake or Lemon Layer Cake
Reservation Deadline Monday, March 11, 2024
NOTE: Please take care ordering, "beef" dinner is ordered separately due to price difference.
You MUST still notify Kathy Sansone of your meal reservation if you pay online here.
$65 per person for Salmon, Chicken and Veggie Choices Place Order
$75 per person for Beef Filet Choice Place Order


I am privileged to assume the role of Commodore, Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club, at the celebration of our fortieth year of adventure. Yes adventure is the right word: it means an unusual, exciting possibly dangerous activity, and such as a trip or experience or the excitement by such. It has driven people to the sea for years and continues to this day. Adventure: the very word stirs a feeling of excitement in us. When we step onto a boat and the dock disappears behind us, the entire world changes. The deck rocks, the wind brushes our skin, and our sense of motion is modified and enhanced as pitch, yaw, and roll become the new normal. Even the taste of galley-prepared food is somehow better.
I am honored to be among club members of vastly diverse backgrounds with tales of past endeavors and whispers of bold memories, both pleasant and arduous. As I peer at the shipmates surrounding me, I realize that these friends are true mariners Having taken to the water over many years, the love of the sea is in our blood. Reveling in presentations of the anthologies by those around me, I have been entertained and astounded. Whether it is a trip round the world or a local excursion, there appears to always be something of a story to tell. It is a sailor's right to embellish those stories as we seem fit and embellish, we do. If you have qualms with the voracity of the tale, take the plunge yourself and see what is out there. You may find the embellishment was insufficient!
Each activity we share enhances our adventurous spirits as we seek the exciting and unusual, or simply relax with spirits and talk about them. Yes, truly I am privileged to be on this adventure known as the Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club as it celebrates forty years of spirited friendship.
And the Adventure Continues..
Craig Myler
2024 Commodore
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As 2024 draws near, I anticipate the fun and excitement we are going to have in our 40th year as Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club.  It is going to be hard to match the fun we had during the last year.  We had so many wonderful times with boat parades, races, cruises, dinners, parties, and meetings that it seems impossible we were able to do that much.  But we did. 


The club is going to be forty years old on March 8, 2024.  There were 36 Charter Members listed in the 1985 FHYC Yearbook.  The membership has gone up and down over the years but the club has remained on an even keel to deliver on the purposes called out in the chartering documentation, namely;  to conduct activities for the pleasure and recreation of the members, and to promote yachting, the service of seamanship, social events among its members, and safety on the waterways.  It is what we are all about. 


I firmly believe in our purpose and stand ready to work to ensure we meet it.  It’s about continuing to have fun.  Let’s get to it. 

The Adventure Continues

Craig A. Myler

2024 Commodore

Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club

News and Information 

2024 Policy and Guidelines Rev3 published
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Updates to this list?

 Please contact the IT Committee, and we will publish here! 





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